Saturday, 16 July 2011

Grab a Copy of the Going Pro Kit at 40% off and Get a Chance to Win an iPad 2

Two weeks ago dPS launched our brand new ‘Going Pro’ kit – a resource for photographers wanting to turn their passion for photography into an income stream. It was launched with a 40% discount on its regular price.

The kit includes 2 comprehensive eBooks as well as two hours of audio interviews with 4 Photography Pros (full details here).

Since that time we’ve had such a wonderful response from readers with many excited about how the kit is helping them explore how to:

earn some extra spending money doing something you lovespeed up the process to turning photography into a full blown career

I’ve just added some of these testimonials to our Going Pro’ page.

As a result of the positive response (and because some of our readers missed our launch with 4th July) we’ve decided to extend our 40% launch discount for one more week and we’re also going to throw in a 16GB iPad 2 as a prize for one lucky buyer of the kit.

So for just one more week this kit will be available for just $29.99 USD before it returns to its regular price of $49.99 USD. 

As an extra special bonus if you buy Going Pro you’ll also go in the draw to win a 16GB iPad 2 (your choice of color) if you act this week. The iPad is the perfect way to read our eBooks (our eBooks are PDFs and viewable on computers, iPads and other PDF reading devices) so we thought it the perfect gift for one lucky buyer.

Note: all previous buyers of the GoingPro Kit are automatically in the draw for the iPad – you don’t have to do anything further to enter.

The 40% discount and the iPad competition close next Tuesday night (19th July) at midnight US Eastern time. The winner will be contacted via email at that time.

For full details of what’s included in the Going Pro kit and to order yours – check out the Going Pro Page today.

PS: Don’t forget our standard 60-day money-back guarantee protects this and all dPS resource purchases.

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